Monday, December 1, 2008

Senate Poised to Act Quickly on Key Issues

According to Paul Kane from the Washington Post, the DREAM Act seems to have a very good chance of passing next year.

Civil rights: After the failure of sweeping immigration overhaul, Democrats scaled back their effort to focus on the DREAM Act. The legislation would have halted deportation efforts of children who are here illegally, giving them citizenship opportunities if they entered the country before age 16 and have lived here for five years.

That bill was blocked after receiving 52 votes, but four supporters were not present. For the 111th Congress, seven Democrats will replace Republicans who voted against the bill. Barring a push for broader immigration restructuring by Obama, Senate aides said this smaller measure should have enough support to pass.

Let this provide us with enough motivation to keep fighting to make our DREAMs a reality. Yes, we can. Yes, we will!


Prerna said...

We will.

Mo and I ordered a shitload of postcards from Vistaprint (really professional-looking). I want a targeted day of action to mail the smaller ones to Congresspersons in the Senate. I think we should have a 'call for stories' from everyone to be emailed to us so we can cut and paste it on the postcard to the relevant Senators. It would be great if it coincided with the Jan 21 one but maybe we can do it sooner, say right when Congress gets back in session on Jan 5. What say?


Maria M. said...

Sounds like an awesome idea. We could definitely spread the word through DAP, DreamACTivist, and all our blogs. I'm sure we could get a lot of stories.

Message me on MSN so we can discuss this further. I think we could definitely get this done by Jan. 5 if we start collecting stories ASAP.

Ark Queue said...

I want to help! :P

Lu said...

I want to help too!

I'm not an ALIPAC member btw, lu001 from DAP. I just started blogging and added you to my blog list, feel free to add me to yours.

Maria M. said...

Great! Thanks for commenting. I'll add you in a second! :)